Those with low self-esteem often have deep psychological feeling far beneath the surface that causes them to be like this. Often is has to do with others around them, things these people say and think. What the others perceive, along with their criticisms, body language and acceptance of the individual. Perhaps, the low-self esteem individual is feeling negativity or non-acceptance due to their hair style, tattoos, dental work, clothes, jewelry, weight or even the car they drive.
These are real issues that make people feel inferior and it is much about social conditioning, the real issue however, is that none of those things should matter. Who cares what other people think? Unfortunately, most everyone does, but they shouldn't wrap their self-worth up in that. What matters is what the individual thinks of themselves, no matter what anyone else says or what they say. If someone is waiting for approval from the mob on their importance, they may be waiting for quite a long while.
If an individual gives up their self for compliance with societies latest fashion, then they are no longer themselves, thus, no wonder they might be so unhappy. So, individuals need to love themselves and accept themselves and then dress and act accordingly. Owning self and having self-confidence and high-self-esteem is a great and wonderful thing.
If you are having such issues or know someone who is then think about what we've discussed here today. We must never let the mob of society dictate our appearance in order for acceptance, if we do then we accept their behavior against all the other individuals out there, in that case it's our fault that this goes on in the first place.
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